Tuesday, February 17, 2009


so today was a sorta depressing but most happy day at the end...
When i was first drooped off at school. I noticed that i was almost friggin" late. And it was raining too. So i speeded walked to first period and I finally made it in time before the bell rang. So, today in first period we got seat changes. YAY! I finally get to sit away from the teacher, so i can finish homework i was too lazy to do the day before. Later, that period, I like almost had a heart attack. The overhead bulb or lamp exploded.I was friggin" scared because it sounded like a gunshot. But yeah, we ended up doing questions for the rest of the period.

Finally, break came.
Went to go see Nikko, the usual everyday thing. he had "stuff" for me that he was supposed to give me on my birthday/valentine's day. I wasn't so excited about it or mattered to expect anything. Because that day has passed and its over. But Nikko came up to me and gave me a Jonas Bros. cd and 11 red roses on purpose. It meant the month he asked me to be his girlfriend. And a card. Also kept telling me that he was sorry, he couldn't see or give or be with me on that day. Then he tells me that he still has more "stuff" to give me tomorrow??? And i'm like DANG! how much stuff did you get me??? haha but i accepted all the things and his apology.Then I notice that he shaved his mustache... How gay. I like it when a guy has facial hair. Depending on how more manly it makes you look. My opinion.

Then third period came. As I was walking to Mrs. Cayme's class, she starts smiling at me and I start blushing. And everyone else in the class starts smiling and the usual things when they see a girl with roses.

Geez! I friggin" swear.
There's this boy who sits in front of me. And he never friggin" keeps still. Every free moment or second he has. This boy has to start tutting all of a sudden. And to be honest he isn't that very good. But, at least he tries...

Find out that Angelica and Kevin are still at Reno, stranded and are coming back today. Because of excessive snowing and rain storms. I'm so glad I didn't go with them. Even though, my weekend would of been better....

Then P.E.
Kyanna starts lecturing me about being more enthusiastic with my boyfriend. Cus, she notices that I don't appreciate the things he does and gives me when I really do! Then friggin" Lizeth starts supporting her. And I'm like whatever...

Then finally.
English was boring. Mrs. Hill gives us too many grammer worksheets. Yells and sent's out like at least one or two students like everyday. bell rings.!

Then after school.
Was with Nikko for about 20 mins. Met his friend from another school. Forgot his name...
Then went home...


  1. That lecture was the best lecture ever, agree! :)

  2. ^^ holy crap, wow HAHA. you're lucky that i'm not like that. :] YOU LOVE ME!!!
