Saturday, February 21, 2009

friggin" regret it.

so i dyed my hair yesterday. and it didn't come out how I told the lady, how i wanted it to be. I said i wanted a retouch, because my roots were hecka showing. As I specifically told her what i wanted her to do, she fucked up!!! It's TOO!!! light and i look like a redneck BARBIE!! I hate it! it doesn't look right on me. And my mom paid hecka money for it. I've made myself ugly. I shouldn't have decided to dye my hair in the first place or had some other hairstylist to do it, and ACTUALLY listen or even understands me. I'm so embarrassed to even show up to school with my awful colored hair. i want to redye it to black now, but i have no choice. im stuck with it for a while. UGH!! I regret my stupid wants and bad decisions!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

answered by Nikko.

01. who are you, what's our relationship: I am Nicholas Isaac Santos, and we are boyfriend girlfriend, and I’m loving it.

02. how and where did we meet: I embarrassingly walked up to her with a huge smile in front of Redwood St. and JBHS.

03. what's my middle name: Martillio (if that’s how you spell it)
[wrong its mortilio*]
04. how long have you known me: about 4 months

05. tell me one good thing about myself: everything is good, but one thing is your sense of humor

06. when you first saw me what was your impression: “WHOA! What the heck? Was I just dreaming? Because I think I just saw the girl of my dreams.” No joke, the first time I saw you, I was walking up the stairs from Spanish, and I passed you up, saw you, and made a double take to get another look at you… and when I was looking at you, I kept looking at you and tried walking at the same time. HAHA! I don’t know if I told you that one.

07. my age: 16

08. birthday: 2/14/93

09. my favorite band at the moment: I have no clue

10. colour eyes: dark brown

11. do i have any siblings: yes, you have 2

12. have you ever had a crush on me: a HUGE one

13. what's one of my favorite things to do: make fun of me, HAHA! You love to go crazy with you “natural high’s.”

14. do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you: “just say it” those were the very first words you told me.

15. describe me in 3 words: awesomest girl ever!!!!!

16. name 5 things i love: me, making fun of me, your friends, your life, and other things you think you don’t love.

17. do you think i'm good looking: HECK YES!!!

18. how would you describe me to someone: “Well, Beverly Martillio [mortilio*] Fermil is the most amazing girl you will ever meet. She’s hecka funny once you get to really know her. She’s really shy around people she doesn’t really know, but if she really wants to get to know you, she’ll start bombing you with conversations. That’s what happened to us when we first met. She didn’t talk much before we met, but now she’s all over the place if you ask me. All I hear is “BOOM!” HAHA! She’s a crazy girl, and very very outgoing. Beverly is a peaceful girl. She says she’ll slap me, but she never does. She’s a total lover, not a fighter. I will teach her how to fight though. She’s so funny! She’s one of those girls that when she makes a joke, and it’s not funny, you still have to laugh at it just because Beverly said it. Okay, now for the other stuff. She’s a very stubborn girl, and she wants everything right then and there. She likes to wait for the other person to make the move instead of herself. WOW! I can go on forever about Bev, but I can’t type this thing forever.

19. would you ever date me: I don’t know, would I? HAHA! I already am!

20. tell me one thing you've always wanted to say but never did: it’s something I never have said, and I hope to say in the future… “will you marry me?”

21: what do you like most about me: everything… but in specific, I love that you can be you around me, and totally be willing to embarrass yourself in front of me, because you are just that comfortable around me now, and that makes me feel really special.

22: if we could spend a day together what would we do: I would take you to san fancisco in the morning and go shoe shopping at Haight St. then go to union square and go to urban outfitters. then we’d go to watch a movie at metreon, and have lunch at a fast food place. And then we’d chill at pier 39 and wait for the sunset… then go eat at rainforest cafĂ©… and then go to a rave!

23: have we ever gotten in a fight: plenty

24: do you think we will be friends for at least 3 or 4 more years: more than friends, more than 3 or 4 more years

25. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it: Sugarbabyhoneypie!!!!!

26. What do you think my weakness is? My surprises, you always want to find out what they are. But your real weakness is when someone shows no affection toward you.

27. Do you think I'll get married? Yes you will get married… it’s up to God to choose who you will marry, but I sure hope it’s me

28. What makes me happy? ME!!!!! HAHA! If anyone smiles at you, you always smile back, no matter what mood you’re in. I’m starting to notice that.

29. What makes me sad? When someone breaks their promise, and when you’re not with ME!!! HAHA! jkjk

30. What reminds you of me? Everywhere I look, I always see some resemblance of you in it. That means you’re always on my mind…

31. If you could give me anything what would it be? The stars

32. When's the last time you saw me? About 7 hours ago.

33. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? Our relationship is getting stronger and stronger.

34. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? Of course

35. Are you going to put this on your myspace and see what I say about you? Maybe… HAHA!

36. If I was an ice cream flavor, which would I be and why? Mint, because the green could fool you if you eat it without knowing the taste, and then once you take like spoonful, you get heaven. I was fooled, because I thought I was gonna get to know you as a friend, not knowing how much of an awesome girl you are once I get to know you, and now I’ve fallen in love with you, and it’s heaven.

37. What song (if any) reminds you of me? I have so many, I don’t know if I can name them all. Love bug, weak, when you look me in the eyes, don’t forget, im yours, Ill do anything, fall for you, same girl, up and up, and many many many more.

38. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be? Wow, I actually tried hard to find something I could change on you, but there is nothing. You are exactly what I need.
39. Would you make a move on me? I already have, and I’m so glad I made it.

40. Do I cross your mind at least 1 time a day? You have no idea… just look at your necklace, and you’ll know how much I think about you.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Today was sorta, i guessed okayy.
school went by fast and didn't really have enough time to socialize much.

First period.
I felt i had a headache. and it was bothering me the whole period. Did work, work, and more work.
Typical morning start.

Second period.
I felt dumb the whole period. Couldn't understand the lesson we were taught. And my headache continued to brother me again. But i'm not the only dumb person in that class.

Third period.
Drank a caprison. Mrs. Cayme furiously yells at me and tells me to step out the class to finish it. "ugh!" That angered woman has some issues, ever since second semester started. But anyways, we continue to finish a section assessment that I finished the day before. But she just wouldn't sign it. Just because I didn't do all the headings. Then I comeback to her to again and she complains to me that i didn't write enough. then i come back again then she still complains that i didn't label my headings. And I give up. "whatever!" i annoy a friend and play with his phone for a lil bit. and ate his candy.

cold, boring, and quick.

Fourth period.
Randomly, pointlessly, awkwardly, different. Teacher strictly told us that today was gonna be a "silent day." We were not aloud to use any electronic device or even communicate with who ever. She had us color a picture with only four color pencils??? I had a weird picture but "whatever" I felt like i was in elementary school, just me coloring a picture.

Fifth period.
Did suicides as a class. Walked around the gym and socialized a bit. freshman side of the lockers is very awkward. As I was changing, some black girl super slapped some white girls ass. And i'm like okay???

Sixth period.
Was loud. Drank my caprison. everyone was talking hella loud the whole period. Mr. Davis didn't bother to hush anyone. Did the grammar work but was too lazy too read my chapter book.
bell rings!

After school.
Was with nikko. Went to line to get lunch. Friggin" starving. As we were in line. Nikko accidentally steps on a pack of mayonnaise. And it explodes on some random girls jeans and shoes. laughing the whole time. I start messing with him and yada. (garbage can incident) haha.
went home.

nikko will finally give me his surprise "stuff."
All i know is that it not a accessory????
wonder what it is....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


so today was a sorta depressing but most happy day at the end...
When i was first drooped off at school. I noticed that i was almost friggin" late. And it was raining too. So i speeded walked to first period and I finally made it in time before the bell rang. So, today in first period we got seat changes. YAY! I finally get to sit away from the teacher, so i can finish homework i was too lazy to do the day before. Later, that period, I like almost had a heart attack. The overhead bulb or lamp exploded.I was friggin" scared because it sounded like a gunshot. But yeah, we ended up doing questions for the rest of the period.

Finally, break came.
Went to go see Nikko, the usual everyday thing. he had "stuff" for me that he was supposed to give me on my birthday/valentine's day. I wasn't so excited about it or mattered to expect anything. Because that day has passed and its over. But Nikko came up to me and gave me a Jonas Bros. cd and 11 red roses on purpose. It meant the month he asked me to be his girlfriend. And a card. Also kept telling me that he was sorry, he couldn't see or give or be with me on that day. Then he tells me that he still has more "stuff" to give me tomorrow??? And i'm like DANG! how much stuff did you get me??? haha but i accepted all the things and his apology.Then I notice that he shaved his mustache... How gay. I like it when a guy has facial hair. Depending on how more manly it makes you look. My opinion.

Then third period came. As I was walking to Mrs. Cayme's class, she starts smiling at me and I start blushing. And everyone else in the class starts smiling and the usual things when they see a girl with roses.

Geez! I friggin" swear.
There's this boy who sits in front of me. And he never friggin" keeps still. Every free moment or second he has. This boy has to start tutting all of a sudden. And to be honest he isn't that very good. But, at least he tries...

Find out that Angelica and Kevin are still at Reno, stranded and are coming back today. Because of excessive snowing and rain storms. I'm so glad I didn't go with them. Even though, my weekend would of been better....

Then P.E.
Kyanna starts lecturing me about being more enthusiastic with my boyfriend. Cus, she notices that I don't appreciate the things he does and gives me when I really do! Then friggin" Lizeth starts supporting her. And I'm like whatever...

Then finally.
English was boring. Mrs. Hill gives us too many grammer worksheets. Yells and sent's out like at least one or two students like everyday. bell rings.!

Then after school.
Was with Nikko for about 20 mins. Met his friend from another school. Forgot his name...
Then went home...

Monday, February 16, 2009


So, as im getting used to this blog thing. I should start out how my day went on 2/14/09.
Well, this is a late blog, when it shoulda been posted two days ago. But oh "well.
So today is my "SIXTEENTH" birthday. I was hoping this day would be awesome, but it turned out to be a day. Like all the rest of the days that go by. But i knew it was gonna end up like this anyways. When my mom said this to me. "I don't care if it's your birthday." All i wanted was to do this, to go hear, to eat there, to get this for my birthday. but no support towards what i wanted even mattered. so when my day that all about me finally came. turned out to be "nothing."
my mom came into my room like around 11 a.m something to open my blind's and just walked out of my room after that. I was pretending that i was still asleep hoping and knowing that she would say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Beverly!!! But no, i was was wrong. She just left to work, without saying a single word to me....

Then the day went by. Nothing special was going to happen for me. No balloon, no cake, no birthday card, no "Happy birthday" from my mom. Except for "Happy Birthday!" phone calls from friends and my boyfriend and of course myspace comments. So, like as the day went by, i was mostly depressed. On the computer and in my room. But then i didn't let my day go all that bad just like that. It was Valentine's Day! And i knew my boyfriend would or he said that he was coming to my house to drop off some "stuff." But turned out that he couldn't make it, because of his father. But, oh well . My Birthday/Valentine's turn out to be a not so important suckish day for me...
so i guess i was a depressed six-teen year old as you can see...

new blogger.

I've decided to make a blogspot and i'm really confused of how to use this.
I don't know how to put a photo up or whatever else you can do with this.
But i'll just learn more about this later on.